
Showing posts from February, 2019
Cigarette girl While most may have found the readings to be very depressing and have a somber tone. I actually found them to have a dark sense of humor and be somewhat comical. For example, the story “cigarette girl” I actually found myself laughing quite a bit. There are a lot of adult themes, but ultimately the art style makes the experience feel as though it can’t be taken too seriously. But I feel as thought that plays on the storytelling itself. It’s a slice of life, and life isn’t always as structured and exciting as our typical 3 act story structure we are taught. I quite enjoyed reading cigarette girl and the stories within it. The art style can be a bit misleading but it actually has some very mature content.
I Saw It  This manga traumatized me. The fact that it is a true story is what makes it so terrifying. It was incredible to read the story of how Keiji experienced the Hiroshima bombing. I was familiar with Barefoot Gen, but I’ve never actually seen it or read it so being able to read this was special for me. The story of Kejij Nakazawa is truly tragic and I was highly engaged with every panel. I also thought it was nice to read a manga in color which is something rare. This hit me hard, especially the ending when his mom died. His words to her were so sad to read. She did so much for him and their relationship really touched me. I also read the comments from Keiji at the end of the manga and they were inspiring. His words about nuclear weapons were so touching, especially hearing it from him. This tragedy has really sparked his life and while it’s sad to live through, it inspiring for the world to experience what he went through. I really enjoyed reading this.
Presentation Idea: I would like to give a presentation on the evolution of American live-action anime adaptations in film. There have not been that many as of now surprisingly, but there are many on the way and currently in production. Though anime has never had a good reputation for translating into live action, I want to explore why that is as well as the evolution of it throughout the years. And why there are more and more being made now recently. For example, Ghost In the Shell, Battle Angel Alita, Netflix’s Death Note etc.